Saturday, May 6, 2023

2026; a COVID pandemic story


It has been 6 years since the quarantine started, at first we thought it'll pass, like so many plaques before it, people made jokes about it, some called it a conspiracy, a yahoodi sazish. But then, with time people realised it had no religion, it was here for all of humanity, and then panic set it. By that time it was too late, too many people had got the virus to be contained in quarantine. Our medicines ran out, isolation was not possible. 

 It was 3 months later, when the govt decided to "dispense" off the affected people. These poor souls were given morphine, and put into sleep forever. There was not enough earth for all their bodies, and so the rest were cremated. Those who survived this initial wave started hoarding utilities, people fought like animals over basic neccesities, panic and fear striped them of their moral codes. 

  A year passed, our financial system collapsed, money was no longer the currency, the only rich people were the ones who were well prepared for the pandemic. The rich of the world would give away all their wealths for rations of food. We lost electricity, then gas. There was no concept of governments anymore. Meanwhile, every day more and more people continued to be affected. The last of the world population spread out in the world, we stopped contact with each other to contain the spread. Every week, they'd light a fire on the high mountains to show that we're here. We exist. Hope exists. There is no hope left for a vaccine, all we have left is to wait for a miracle. A miracle, do we deserve it? Looking back now, how petty our greeds were, how big our atrocities, how cruel had we become as human beings? How heartless. When kashmirs were confined to their homes, the whole world just stood there and watched, maybe that's why we were punished to be confined to our homes. When for years, the innocent children of syria and palestine were made to inhale the toxic air, we were enjoying our lives, maybe that's why Allah made the air toxic for us? Maybe it happened because we took our earth for granted, wasting its resources instead of conserving them, maybe corona was earth's vaccine, and we were the virus? 

Could we save ourselves, had we been more cautious? Were we so numbed by our stone cold heart that we took death as a joke? I remember those first few weeks, when the virus was only limited to a few countries, I wish we had taken it seriously, I wish instead of sharing memes we had shared awareness. I wish we had prayed and ask forgiveness from our lord. Maybe we could avoid this disaster? I wish.

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