Saturday, May 6, 2023

Live every moment!


By; Faraz waheed, 1st year

Dear future self: 

How are you? How is life? Did you achieve our goals? I’m sure life will be amazing for you! Having no exams, no stress, no hurry to get up early to go to college, no homework and most importantly no drama in your life. How must it feel like, having money, buying things we always wanted? Man, you have it going great. I’m not sure will I ever make it to your stage? Will I ever be successful? Will I ever be able to sit back and relax? Will these troubles go away? Will life, for once, be as we want it? 

Dear Past self: 

Funny you should ask of me. Well, I’m fine. Yes, we did achieve some of our goals, and we did not achieve some others. But guess what? We now have other goals to achieve. As far as life goes, well you’re right, and wrong. I do not have much exams now, but now my mistakes don’t cost me a grade, it costs me a life. I don’t have any homework, but now we have little time to ‘be’ home. Yes, I do have money now, But i also have responsibilities, which means I can’t spend the money like you may want me to. Finally, to help your curiosity, Yes, you will make it to my stage. But you won’t be able to sit back and relax. Your troubles will change but they won’t go away. And Life, will not be as you want it. So my advice to you is, we are merely miracles on a small rock rotating endlessly around a ball of fire with nothing but other rocks around us to the vast extremes of the universe. So, What could go wrong, hm? 

Enjoy this miracle of life. Live YOUR moment, enjoy those exams, do not let your stresses consume you, always have time for a laugh, take risks, try new things. Do what you can’t. Learn. Know. Fight through the pain. Because life, my friend, is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

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