Saturday, May 6, 2023

گرمی کا روزہ

 گرمی کا روزہ؛ 


 All day long I waited for evening to come, it was one of those unfortunate days when u forget to wake up for sehri and realise you messed up big time. The morning was much better than expected, I tried to conserve the little saliva I had as best as possible, but by afternoon it was gone too. I tried to sleep the thirst off but my brain kept reminding me of the dried meat of a tongue I had in my mouth. I tossed and turned for hours, deciding not to check phone 'cause I believe not seeing a clock makes time pass faster. Finally I got fed up and picked up my phone to see it had been five minutes. Noon passed painfully, but evening was still afar. I started relishing the thoughts of all the juices and shakes I'd be having at aftar and how Im gonna swipe my aalo pakoras with my brother's pyaaz pakoras. My stomach gurgled as if it was making the villain grims for me as I made these plots. Finally evening came, I put jugs of juices infront of me and all the edibles I could fit in my plate. Finally, the azaan was called and I started drinking, first gulp and It was heaven. I drank the whole glass. Then another. But by the time I reached for the third one my stomach was already full. I could only drink it half. Moreover, the plate infront of me was full, and I was no longer bound to not eat, but I couldn't bring myself to eat more than one pakora. I was full. All those hours of fasting, all day of waiting, imagining this moment and when it was here I was done with it within 10 minutes. All those things that I longed for a few minutes back were no longer appealing to me. Now I wanted to sleep for hours 😴

 Maybe that's the reality of life. Our moments of waiting and suffering are far longer than our moments of happiness and satisfactions. We wait forever for things that satisfy us for a few moments. Then we cling onto some other goal and spend our days in search of it, being so certain that it'll make us happy, but when it comes it too, fill our hearts for a few moments only. Afterall, whats the longest any of our happinesses have lasted before the lust for something more takes it place? How much of our life is spent wishing, how much waiting, how much running after things that ultimately satisfy us temporarily. Maybe like a fast, the purpose of life isn't to spend it waiting for iftar, but to do as much good as possible, even while we're thirsty for happiness, even when things aren't going as we planned. Maybe this world isn't the place to be happy and satisfied, but a place to stop oneself from its pleasures, have sabar, and maybe at the end we shall have pure and unending satisfaction and happiness.

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