Saturday, May 6, 2023

One last walk

 One last walk ; 

My eyes open to see a beautiful place, filled with light that shimmers down between the leaves of beautiful green trees, a coolness envelops the environment and I hear birds chirping nearby. My heart feels happy, as if a huge burden has been lifted from it. I started walking in this heavenly garden, soon I come across a beautiful lady, she's wearing hijab and her face is lit like the moon when its in her prime. She's teaching Quran to a few kids sitting in front of her. As she sees me Her eyes shine up and she smiles at me as if she already knows me. I stand beside her for a while, admiring her presence and energy. But I remember I have to keep moving forward, though I don't know towards what. A little farther I come across a lady, she's wearing white coat and a device hangs around her neck, I recognize this thing from the Tv. Yes! Its what doctors wear. I see her treat a small kid very delightfully and with a huge smile on her face. I go towards her, She moves a hand over my head and pinches my cheek. It makes me feel safe and loved. I move forward. I come across a lady whose all worried and in a hustle. I go towards her and ask her what was the matter. She tells me Her husband's going to be home soon, and I have to get dinner ready before He does. He works all day and I don't want him to wait to eat because of me. It makes my heart happy, seeing someone care so much. A little while later, Her husband do come. He's so happy to see her. They greet each other and I can see her face light up and her feet finding it hard not to dance In his presence. I knew then that they were in love. They offered me to have dinner with them but I remembered I had to keep going. What was I going after? I forgot. 

I keep moving forward. I came across an old lady, who was sitting in her bed, with people standing around her, some little, some old, some male and some female. I also went and stood by her side. I asked who were all these people, and she told me they were all the lives that she had touched in her lifetime. All the good that she had spread in the world. All the joy. She held my face in her hand, and a tear came from her eye. Go on now, beautiful child. With heavy feet I keep moving forward. I came at a gate, Huge and strong. It opened as I approached it, Inside, there were children just like me waiting to greet me. Beautiful children, smiling and excited. I look back for one last time, for I understood now, all those ladies that I had met, the mom teaching quran to her kids, the doctor, the wife in love, the old lady with the lives she'd touched, those were all me. Those were all the possibilities. I remember now, this was not a dream. I was killed in the Holy month of ramzan, for 'Playing too loud'

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